Frequently Asked Questions

Concrete CMS offers extensive customization options through a vast array of add-ons, making it easy to extend your website's functionality. With features like simple installation, one-click version updates, and a robust REST API, you can tailor your site to meet specific needs and integrate seamlessly with external applications.

Concrete CMS provides a user-friendly installation process. You can quickly install add-ons from the marketplace directly through the site dashboard. Additionally, the system notifies you of automatic add-on updates, ensuring your site stays current with the latest features and improvements.

The Concrete CMS marketplace offers thousands of add-ons, including core-supported enhancements and a large directory of themes. These add-ons cover various functionalities, from SEO tools to e-commerce solutions, allowing you to customize and extend your website effortlessly.

The REST API in Concrete CMS enables seamless integration with external applications. It allows flexible data management, letting developers access and manipulate site data programmatically. This makes it easier to build custom integrations and extend your site's capabilities.

Concrete CMS provides comprehensive documentation and support for developers using the REST API. This includes guides, tutorials, and community support, helping developers build and implement custom integrations efficiently.

By clicking the ellipsis icon next to a version, you can access a menu with several actions:

  • Approve: Make the selected version live immediately.
  • Duplicate: Create a new version from an earlier version.
  • New Page: Create a new version and place it elsewhere in the sitemap as a completely new page.
  • Delete: Remove the version from the history.