Marketplace Add-Ons

Marketplace Add-Ons

Extend your Concrete site with Blocks and Dashboard functionality.

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Marketplace Integrations

Marketplace Integrations

Extend your Concrete site with 3rd party integrations.

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Marketplace Themes

Marketplace Themes

Reskin your Concrete site with a Theme

Browse Themes
Related Projects

Related Projects

Learn about solutions that use Concrete that aren't in our Marketplace here. 

Related Projects


Run your Concrete interface in different languages.

Submit Your Code

Submit Your Code

Ready to start sharing your own work with the community? Submit your add-ons and themes to the marketplace.

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Marketplace Listing Style Guide

Marketplace Listing Style Guide

When you're developing addons for Concrete CMS, it's crucial to present them in the best possible light. This starts with a compelling listing page that clearly communicates the value and functionality of your addon, or services.

Read Guide
Shop Swag

Shop Swag

Share your love for Concrete CMS with some cool swag.

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