Building a web for the greatest good—it's an ambitious goal, but at Concrete CMS, we believe it's possible. Creating a website involves numerous technologies and skills, which can be overwhelming for those tasked with the job, often seen as an afterthought to larger business initiatives. That’s where we come in. Our approach is to be approachable and encouraging, ensuring everyone feels supported in their web development journey.

Following these guidelines increases your chances of being featured on the homepage, which can significantly boost your addon's, themes, and services visibility.

When you're developing addon's for Concrete CMS, it's crucial to present them in the best possible light. This starts with a compelling store listing page that clearly communicates the value and functionality of your addon. Let's break down how you can achieve this:

Crafting Your Summary

Your summary is the first impression users get from your product. It's displayed on the homepage, category pages, search results, and in sliders. Here’s how to make it count:

  • Highlight Key Features: Focus on what makes your addon unique and how it benefits users. This should resonate with their main use cases.
  • Be Concise and Clear: Use plain text (no HTML or formatting) and keep it under 250 characters.
  • Avoid Generic Phrases and Emojis: Specificity is key. Avoid phrases like "best extension ever" and steer clear of emojis.


Good: "Enhance your site's SEO with our addon, featuring real-time analysis, keyword tracking, and automated reports."

Not so good: "Best SEO addon ever! 🚀"

Detailed Descriptions

Your item description is where you dive deeper into what your addon, theme, and services offers. This section appears on the item listing page under the screenshots.

  • Use Keywords Wisely: Focus on the most important features and services. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can harm user experience and search results.
  • Structured Format: Start with an overview paragraph, followed by a list of main features and usage scenarios.
  • Be Honest and Accurate: Ensure your descriptions are informative and reflect the true capabilities of your addon.

Example Structure:

  1. Overview Paragraph: Briefly describe what your addon does and why it’s beneficial.
  2. Main Features: List key functionalities in bullet points.
  3. Usage Scenarios: Provide examples of how users can utilize your addon effectively.
  4. High-Quality Images

Visuals play a significant role in capturing users' attention. Here’s how to make your images stand out:

  • Marketplace Thumbnail: Use a simple, recognizable image related to your brand or product. Avoid clutter and ensure it’s clear even when shrunk.
  • Screenshots: Provide at least one high-quality screenshot (preferably five) that showcases your addon's core features. Use visual aids like infographics and avoid overwhelming text.

Image Specifications

  • Ratio: 2:3
  • Common Sizes:
    • 800px × 1200px
    • 533px × 800px
    • 400px × 600px
    • 500px × 750px
    • 1500px × 2250px

Tips for Thumbnails:

  • Use saturated colors.
  • Ensure edges are well defined.
  • Keep it simple and aligned with our branding.

Additional Information

Including extra details like a website URL and demo pages can build trust and provide users with more resources to understand your addon better.

  • Website and Demo URLs: Make sure these fields are filled out in the developer dashboard to guide users to more information.

A Tone That Resonates

Remember, your tone should be authentic, helpful, and hopeful. This means being truthful and direct, making your explanations easy to understand, and encouraging users in their web development efforts.

  • Authentic: Write shorter sentences, use contractions, and admit mistakes. Be fact-based and take clear positions without being mean or divisive.
  • Helpful: Avoid jargon and acronyms. Always explain concepts or provide hyperlinks for further reading.
  • Hopeful: Start and end on a positive note, encouraging users that they can succeed with your addon.

By following these guidelines, you can create a store listing that not only attracts users but also builds trust and encourages them to explore your addon further. Plus, adhering to these standards boosts your chances of being featured on the homepage, giving your addon even more exposure. Together, we can build a web for the greatest good.

Downloadable Listing Backgrounds For Your Use