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Nov 30, 2021, 10:35 PM

It's no secret that selecting the correct content management system (CMS) is crucial to increasing your revenue and keeping current. Even still, according to W3 Techs, 40% of websites aren't utilizing a known CMS, and while not every business requires a CMS, most companies aiming to scale will eventually require one.

Nov 19, 2021, 9:16 PM

In a highly competitive world, websites are vital for businesses to interact with their customers

Aug 5, 2021, 10:12 PM

Only a few years ago, application development followed a starkly different model than it does today. Traditionally, a development team would write code and fix bugs while communicating with an operations team tasked with building and deploying it towards the production stage, setting up monitoring, operating, and maintaining the infrastructure.

Oct 20, 2016, 4:57 AM

Were often asked what the core team uses as our development stack. We tend to lean towards BYOD strategies. As long as a craftsman is using good tools and loving them, who are we to tell them what is better? That said, one of several apps that is universally loved at PortlandLabs for working on concrete5 is PHPStorm.

Jun 14, 2016, 11:48 AM

You've done your research and you have content. Your inventory is ready and your landing page is good to go. Your 301s are done and search console is set up. Everything meets your standards and now you're just waiting for the right time to launch your website. Well now that you've launched your website, what should you do? Here are few things you need to do a couple days after you launched your website.

Apr 29, 2016, 4:48 PM

You have about 15 seconds to impress a visitor to your website and make them want to stay. You can do this in many ways including the design, page speed, and content. However, one overlooked method to optimize your website is to optimize your 404 error page.

A 404 error occurs when a visitor lands on a page that doesn't exist and the standard page is just the browser telling you that the page can't be found. This standard page certainly isn't going to impress anyone.