Version 8 Extensions to be Removed from the Marketplace

Version 8 Extensions to be Removed from the Marketplace

May 6, 2024
by frz

We’ve announced that Concrete version 8 is end of life and only getting critical security updates several times over the last 12 months. At the same time we’ve been hard at work on a new marketplace that makes it much easier to extend your Concrete site with great add-ons and themes. We’re now just about ready to launch that marketplace, everyone’s super excited!

It doesn’t really make sense to sell extensions for a product we’re actively telling people to upgrade away from. Moreover, supporting the seamless marketplace integration we’ve developed in older v8 Concrete felt like a lot of work backwards. For these reasons, we are officially announcing and end of v8 extension sales & support through the marketplace as of May 15, 2024. 

What does this mean?

If you have a v8 site, you should check that any add-on/theme upgrades have been applied asap. 

Updates AvailableIf you have unused v8 licenses in our marketplace, you should download those packages asap. 

orders.jpg The old marketplace will be going away, and you will no longer be able to login and download these extension package files from the my account area in the future. 

If you have purchased a version 9 extension within the last 12 months, those licenses will move over to the new marketplace. 

If your purchases are older than 12 months, and/or if they are for v8 extensions, you will no longer be able to download those packages from us after May 15th.